Designing systems of power control hydraulics for condition based maintenance

J. Pezdirnik

Ventil 12 (2006) 76–80.


Vzdrževanje z nadzorom stanja zahteva temu primerno izvedbo projekta hidravlične naprave (HN) stroja oziroma postroja. Avtor Fitch podaja 8 kritičnih faktorjev stabilnosti tribomehanskih sistemov, med katere spadajo tudi HN. Primerna dokumentacija in izvedba projekta HN omogočata razmeroma enostaven nadzor štirih od naštetih 8 faktorjev; to so: stopnja onesnaženosti hidravlične tekočine, notranje puščanje, obraba sestavin in stabilnost temperature hidravlične tekočine. Prispevek podaja nekaj zamisli glede ustreznega projektiranja in nadzora stanja hidravličnih sistemov. Power-control hydraulic system, being a part of the machine or of a production line, gives to it all or most of the movements. Therefore high availability of this system is of utmost importance. Hydraulic systems are probably more suitable for preventive maintenance than other machine systems. Condition based type of maintenance is very appropriate for the use in hydraulics as a lot of parameters and properties can be measured and followed in a relatively simple way. So the predictive maintenance can be executed in agreat deal of the maintenance of hydraulic systems. But for these activities the system must be so designed and constructed and with such technical documentation that measurements and controls of specific parameters and properties can be carried out almost at any time and, if possible, without interrupting the production process on the machine or production line. Some simple ideas about such design and construction of hydraulic systems are shown in this paper.

Keywords: hidravlika, hidravlični fluidi, hidravlični sistemi, hidravlične naprave, vzdrževanje, preventivno vzdrževanje, nadzor stanja, zanesljivost, hydraulic systems, condition monitoring, fluid power engineering, maintenance, predictive maintenance, hydraulic f

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