Temperatura in spremembe mikrostrukture v oscilatornem mikrokontaktu, segretem zaradi trenja
J. Pezdirnik, J. Vižintin, F. Vodopivec, A. Rodič
Kovine zlitine tehnologije 32 (1998) 305–308.
AbstractRaziskali smo spremembe, ki so nastale v mikrostrukturi materiala na kontaktni ploskvici in neposredni okolici mikrokontakta v hidravličnem ventilu. Obravnavani mikrokontakti se pojavljajo lokalno na drsnih ploskvah površine oscilirajočega bata in stenah mirujoče izvrtine. Na mestu mikrokontakta lahko nastane poškodba, podobna mikrozvaru. Na mestih poškodb smo ugotavljali in analizirali spremembe mikrostrukture na površini mikrokontaktne drsne ploskvice in pod njo. Ugotovili smo jih celo do globine cca 800 μm. Nastale so v času kratkotrajnega porasta temperature v mikrokontaktu. Prispevek navaja temperataure, o katerih sklepamo na osnovi spremembe mikrostrukture materiala v mikrokontaktu in pojava bele faze. V tem prispevku so obravnavane poškodbe, ki so nastale pri funkcionalnem industrijskem preskušanju hidravličnih tlačnih ventilov.
We have searched the changes in material microstructure occuring at microcontact interface and in the material close to it inside of a hydraulic valve. The mentioned microcontacts occur locally on the sliding areas of oscillating piston and of the stationary bore wall. At the microcontact interface a damage can occur looking like a welded point. On the damage spots we have searched and analysed the microcontact's subsurface microstructure changes. The microstructure changes were found even up to the depth 800 μm. They occured in a short time of temperature rise in the microcontact. The paper states the temperatures which are considered to occur on the basis of material structural changes in the microcontact and on the basis of the white phase emergence. We are dealing with the damage which occured at the functional industrial testing of the hydraulic pressure valves.
Keywords: drsno trenje v mikrokontaktu, temperatura, mikrostruktura materiala, sliding friction in microcontact interface, temperature, microstructure of the material