Effect of fretting amplitude on microstructure of 1C-1.5Cr steel

F. Vodopivec, J. Vižintin, B. Šuštaršič

Materials Science and Technology 12 (1996) 355–360.


A successive grinding technique was used to examine the changes in microstructure generated by fretting of a 1C-1,5Cr steel. The findings indicated that the white phase was precipitation hardened austenite and that it grew laterally by coalescence of initial areas of a few micrometres. Frequently, very small modifications of the initial microstructure were found near the white phase. This is explained by the small quantity of heat generated and its rapid dissipation in the steel. Similar carbide precipitates to those in the white phase were found in areas of residual austenite in rapidly solidified water atomised particles of the same type of steel.

Tehnika zaporednega brušenja in poliranja je bila uporabljena za opredelitev sprememb v mikrostrukturi zaradi frettinga. Rezultati kažejo, da je bela faza izločilno utrjeni austenit in raste s koalescenco zašetnih polj z velikostjo par μ. V neposredni bližini bele faze so bile opažene zelo majhne spremembe začetne mikrostrukture. To se razlaga z majhno generirano toploto in njeno hitro razpršitvijo. Podobni karbidni izločki, kot v beli fazi, so bili najdeni v poljih zaostalega austenita v vodno atomiziranem prahu iste vrste jekla.

Keywords: evolucuja mikrostrukture jekla, lateralna rast, hitrost ohlajanja, koalescenca, bela faza, fretting amplituda, evolution of steel microstructure, lateral growth, cooling rate, coalescence, white phase, fretting amplitude

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