Prof. Mitjan Kalin named Slovenian convention ambassador 2020

date: 08.02.2021

Slovenian Convention Bureau selected Slovenian convention ambassadors for 2020 in recognition of their contributions to organisation of important international events in Slovenia.

Slovenian Convention Bureau has announced their selection of Slovenian convention ambassadors for 2020 within the scope of the Slovenian ambassadorial program.The ambassadors were selected in recognition of their work, dedication and international impact in organising international scientific, professional, business and sports events in Slovenia. The Slovenian ambassadorial programe is vital for ensuring that Slovenia will be able to host more important international events. Prof. Mitjan Kalin was named convention ambassador in honour of organising the European Conference in Tribology - ECOTRIB 2017 in Ljubljana in 2017.

The title of Slovenian convention ambassador 2020 was awarded to 25 outstanding individuals and we congratulate all of them.
