PATRON: Laboratory TINT will be involved in a new HORIZON-MSCA-DN project
date: 31.03.2023
The PATRON Fellows will be trained in innovative PhD topics as well as receiving specific theoretical and practical education in the fields of mechanical engineering and computer science, focusing towards the next generation Prognostics and Health Management techniques.
European manufacturing is at the centre of a twin ecological and digital transition, being both driver and subject to these changes. At the same time, manufacturing companies must maintain technological leadership and stay competitive. The size and the complexity of the associated challenges - such as the integration of Artificial Intelligence, the use of industrial data, the transformation into a circular economy and the need for agility and responsiveness - requires pooling of resources and a novel approach of cooperation. The objective of the PATRON - The Doctoral Network on Prognostics and heAlth management of nexT GeneRatiOn drivetraiNs project is to develop the next generation of PHM methodologies, algorithms and technologies, so enabling condition monitoring, with the focus on real-time diagnostics and prognostics. This objective will be achieved by having 10 Doctoral Candidates working closely and interacting frequently in this inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary area within the framework of doctoral networks MARIE Skłodowska-CURIE ACTIONS: HORIZON-MSCA-DN. Despite remarkable progresses in health monitoring boosted by new technologies and AI, most approaches still rely on the use of rudimentary HIs defined more than half a century ago. On the other hand, the Community of Tribology is working at the micro and the macroscale of the contacts where loads are applied and wear, damage and faults occur. Impressively enough the two research communities, Condition Monitoring/Prognostics and Health Management and Tribology, are following separate paths. The proposed PATRON project brings together the two communities and doctoral candidates and experienced specialists from key players in academia and industry across Europe, covering different scientific disciplines and industrial stakeholders from a broad range of backgrounds to optimally tackle the challenges ahead.