Prosed project focuses on the design of novel and innovative elasto-hydrodynamic (EHD) contacts that provide remarkably low energy losses due to significantly reduced friction at the solid-liquid interfaces in fully-realistic lubrication conditions.

The GreenSTAMP project is about designing novel, green, high-performance, boundary-film contacts for stamping that satisfy technological and increasingly strict legislative requirements that will reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. This is a critical requirement for stamping and other heavy-loaded lubricated ...

Lubricated contacts are of great importance for many mechanical systems and often a key
component that facilitate smooth operation. In these contacts it is desired that lubricating
oil forms enough thick lubricating film that prevents direct contacts between both contact
surfaces and thus enable low or no-wear ...

The GreenCOAT project is about designing green, DLC-coated interface based on an innovative HiPIMS DLC-deposition technology that can be tailored to operate with ionic liquids, a harmless form of lubrication that will comply with tough new restrictions relating to ...

Two main constituents of tribology are friction and wear, the control and reduction of both parameters are critical for proper functionality of machine elements.

Rotational machines and drives represent the most ubiquitous item of equipment present in almost all branches of industry, power engineering and transport. As such they contribute significantly to the maintenance costs which still represent sizeable share ...

The project focuses on design of novel and innovative high-performance green boundary film contacts that satisfy strict requirements on greenhouse emissions and hazardous materials, indispensably required in all future heavy loaded lubricated mechanical components.

Project is focused on developing tribological and electrically efficient and durable contact for the novel design of sliding electric contacts used to conduct electric current from rotary to stationary mechanical components in electric devices. These systems have large economic value since they are used in almost ...

Tribochemistry and interface research is not itself new, but tribochemistry of real IC engine lubricated systems, especially with the focus on the changing external landscape of technological and legislative environment, has not previously been approached as proposed in ENTICE.

The objective of the proposed project is to develop a high-quality, durable, water-hydraulic motor that will be a technologically and commercially successful product in the global market. Such hydraulic motor is new in the field of water hydraulics; its major advantage is in the protection of the natural ...

The service lifetime of machines, commonly depends on the wear resistance of materials/coatings and lubricants used. Often they supposed to work successfully at high temperatures. The main aspects of this strategic research project are concentrated on the tribo-functionality of conditions relevant ...

Mechanical drives are the most ubiquitous item of equipment in almost all industrial branches. Wear, excessive operational loads or errors in assembly might cause premature unexpected failures resulting in partial or total production downtime, damaged equipment or even loss of lives. Proper maintenance is therefore ...

The proposed CCACT will significantly contribute to the achievement of strategic development goals stated in the national strategic documents. This will be achieved due to CCACT operation strategy and work organisation, as well as due to its technical topic and innovations of particular projects.

Near-net shape nanoparticles-reinforced polymer-composites for highly-loaded advanced mechanical components. With improved superior tribological properties, nanocomposites will be suitable for using in environment without any additional lubrication.

The project undertakes research on nanostructured hetero-modulus particulate composites (Si3N4, SiC-C, soft-matrix nanocomposite) and functional gradient materials (reinforced ductile iron) for a demanding application. The new developed products will show multiplied hardness and ten times ...

Development of a new automotive power train system, which comprises functionalised diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings and future generation lubricant, is aimed to enable the Europe’s stretching targets in fuel economy and durability to be met. 2020 Interface brings together a world class consortium of 4 ...

Because of wear, material stress and environmental influences, mechanical drives are more inclined to failures than any other item of equipment. Unexpected failures can result in partial or total breakdown of a production line, destroyed equipment and even catastrophes. That is why proper maintenance of such equipment is so important.

Recently, ionic liquids are employed as substitute for traditional solvents in catalysis, synthesis and electrochemistry. But little research work or actual applications have been published until now concerning the utilization of ionic liquids as lubricants. The overall objective of this interdisciplinary ...

Innovative physical principle of lubrication with the use of MoS₂ nanoparticles as additives to oil. With the use of these nanoparticles we could prevent the increase in friction and wear once the current most effective additives will be abandoned due to increasingly severe environmental regulations. Due to the physical principle of ...

The goals of the project are to understand the growth mechanisms of hybrid nanomaterials based on “mama”-tubes, their interaction with the polymer matrix and to evaluate possible directions in application of these novel materials in tribology, photovoltaics and in energy storage. Our role in the project is to study the self-lubricating ...

Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings have proven to be one of the most promising types of coatings for protection of surfaces in tribological contacts. With the use of neutron reflectometry, atomic force microscopy and real tribological tests the project addresses the problem ...

Manufacturing techniques of surface preparation (polishing, lapping, deposition of coating materials, etc.) have reached precision in nano-metre scale. Although it is possible to measure sub micro-metre structures of these surfaces (topography, thickness of coatings, etc.) there is hardly any information ...

The aim is to deepen understanding of the processes involved in local reinforcement and formation of functional gradients in ductile iron composition. The project is expected to result in direct economic benefits to the participating foundry, by opening up new markets.

Aim of the project is to determine the influence of different production parameters on SHSS roller residual stress level and distribution, to define methodology for residual stress level determination with respect to external load and to optimize SHSS rollers production technology.

The presented Slovenian project is multidisciplinary in nature and relates to the scope of several ministries. Its aim is to systemically analyze the potential production of biodiesel from relevant agricultural crops (oilseeds) in Republic of Slovenia and to vertically integrate research-development and commercial partners.

Project aim is to determine correlations between the basic physical-chemical and structural properties of the coatings and lubricants with the formation of protective nano tribochemical films and their efficiency in boundary lubrication.

In the underlying subproject an intelligent system for condition monitoring of rotating machinery will be developed. One of the key ideas of the underlying concept is to fully exploit the diversity of information sources i.e. standard on-line measurement instrumentation complemented with off-line special purpose laboratory checks of wear particles ...

Aim of the project was to research the possibilities of using modern surface engineering techniques (physical and vacuum processes, plasma nitrating, plasma surface treatment) for improving tribological and corrosion properties of construction materials. Our focus was on applying functional coatings for reducing wear, ...

From the environmental point of view the use of oil power-control hydraulics in machines and production lines is very problematic, especially for the machines working in the environmental areas. From the nature conservation and furthermore from the fire safety point of view only the water is harmless. Tap water as hydraulic fluid is the ...

The aim of the proposed project is to investigate and understand possibilities for reduction of lubrication film thickness in mechanical systems, obtained through application of micro-nano films, biodegradable lubricants and hard coatings. Ultimate goal of the project are oil-free mechanical systems.

In the proposed project, we will investigate the friction and wear mechanisms of brake pad materials made form metal-matrix composites. They will be tested against a C/C-SiC composite, already used for disks in racing motorcycles. The composition of pad materials will be systematically varied, alowing us to investigate the effect of pad ...