Možnost uporabe modificirane naprave valjček - plošča pri preizkušanju hladilno-mazalnih emulzij
A. Arnšek, J. Vižintin
Strojniški vestnik 43 (1997) 103–116.
AbstractDandanes so hladilno mazalne emulzije v splošnem zelo razviti tehnični proizvodi, ki omogočajo modernim rezalnim orodjem največji izkoristek. Običajni postopek preizkušanja hladilno mazalnih emulzij izhaja iz praktičnih primerjalnih izkušenj na realnih obdelovalnih strojih in iz podatkov analize kemijske sestave. Pri takem praktičnem preizkušanju so rezultati največkrat nemerljivi in zato nezanesljivi. Zato smo za primerjalno vrednotenje merljivih lastnosti hladilno-mazalnih emulzij uporabili prirejeno napravo valjček-plošča. Pri tem smo obdelovalni proces simulirali z drsenjem valjčka po površini plošče. V tem prispevku smo raziskali in opisali možnosti in omejitve pri vrednotenju merljivih lastnosti hladilno mazalnih emulzij z uporabo modificirane naprave valjček - plošča.
Today's water soluble cutting fluids are generally highly developed technical products designed to get the best out of the modern machine tools. The usual approach to estimating the performance of water soluble cutting fluids is normally based upon chemical composition information and full-scale, comparative service tests experience. In this type of tests, performance assignments are semiquantitative at best. In order to overcome this difficulty modified pin-on-disk test has been acquired to help quantify the performance of water soluble cutting fluids, develop new fluids, and evaluate fluids available on the market-place. In this test the contact conditions in machining are reproduced by letting the pin slide against countermaterial surface. In the present work the possibilities and limitations of using a modified pin-on-disc test for evaluating water soluble cutting fluids are investigated.