Effect of multi-scale fillers on the tribological behavior of UHMWPE composites in water-lubricated contacts
P. Gangwani, J. Kovač, N. Emami, M. Kalin
Tribology International 196 (2024) 109669 1-18
AbstractThis study investigates the impact of graphite, hexagonal boron nitride and short carbon fibers, acting as micro- and nano-fillers, on the tribological performance of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) hybrid composites. The tribological performance is evaluated under boundary-lubrication conditions with distilled water at contact pressures in the range from 5 and 15 MPa. The fillers were found to work synergistically, with the best performance recorded when the compositions incorporated fillers of all scales. The most effective composite, consisting of short carbon fibers, micro-scale graphite, micro-scale hBN and nano-scale hBN, reduced the coefficient of friction by 75 %, reaching a value of 0.06, and the specific wear rate by two orders of magnitude to 2 × 10−7 mm3/Nm, compared to pure UHMWPE. The fillers' size also played an important role. Composites with nano-boron nitride led to 40 % lower friction compared to micro-scale fillers only. However, all the fillers reduced the amount of abrasive wear, especially the boron nitride, as a consequence of the tribochemical reaction between the boron nitride and water at the interface. Additionally, the formation of a transfer film was observed on the steel discs, with only short carbon fibers and graphite contributing to its formation from among the fillers used.
URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2024.109669
Keywords: multi-scale, fillers, UHMWPE, composite, water, tribology
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