Highlighted article on the cover of Journal of Mechanical Engineering

date: 09.10.2014

The work of Dr. Rok Simič and Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, entitled "Comparison of Alcohol and Fatty Acid Adsorption on Hydrogenated DLC Coatings Studied by AFM and Tribological Tests ", was highlighted on the cover of the December issue of the internationally recognized and SCI indexed Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2013, vol. 59, no. 12, p. 707-718).

izpostavljen-clanek-na-naslovnici-revije-strojniski-vestnikThe cover presents a silicon cantilever with a sharp tip, which is used in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for the determination of surface properties with nanometer resolution. The cover image was taken with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Laboratory for Tribology and Surface Nanotechnology, L-TINT.
